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Camping at Environmental Camping Campground

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Montana de Oro State Park is a stunning coastal park located on the central coast of California, near Los Osos and Morro Bay. It offers a rich environment of rugged cliffs, secluded sandy beaches, coastal plains, streams, canyons, and hills, including the 1,347-foot Valencia Peak. The name "Montana de Oro" translates to "Mountain of Gold," which refers to the golden wildflowers that bloom in spring.

Environmental Camping

Environmental campsites, also known as primitive or backcountry campsites, are designed to provide a more immersive nature experience with minimal amenities. Here's what you need to know about the Environmental Camping Campground in Montana de Oro State Park:

Location and Access

Environmental campsites in Montana de Oro are located in more remote areas of the park and are not accessible by car. Campers must hike to these sites, which provides a sense of seclusion and an escape from the often crowded front-country campgrounds.

Facilities and Amenities

Environmental campsites typically have limited amenities. Expect basic facilities such as pit toilets, fire rings, and picnic tables. There is no running water at these sites, so campers must bring all the water they will need for drinking, cooking, and washing.

Permits and Reservations

Camping at environmental sites often requires a permit or reservation. Check the California State Parks website or call the park directly to inquire about obtaining the necessary permits for your stay.

Campsite Etiquette

Campers should follow Leave No Trace principles to minimize their impact on the environment. This includes packing out all trash, being careful with fire, using existing fire rings, and avoiding the use of soaps and other chemicals in natural water sources.

Safety and Regulations

Wildlife Precautions

The area is home to diverse wildlife. Store food securely to avoid attracting animals to your site, and educate yourself on what to do if you encounter local wildlife like coyotes, snakes, or mountain lions.

Fire Regulations

Be aware of fire regulations as they can change seasonally due to varying risk levels. Sometimes fires may be prohibited. Always use designated fire rings and never leave fires unattended.

Weather and Tides

The coastal environment can bring unexpected weather changes and high tides. Check the local weather forecast and tide charts to prepare appropriately for your trip.

Packing Essentials

Water and Food

Carry sufficient water for hydration, cooking, and cleaning. Pack all the food you'll need as there are no stores within the park.

Appropriate Clothing

Dress in layers and be ready for changing weather conditions. Bring a waterproof jacket and sturdy hiking boots.

Navigation Tools

A map and compass or a GPS device can be invaluable when hiking to your campsite.

First Aid Kit

Always carry a first aid kit for emergencies.

Camping Gear

Ensure your tent is adequate for weather conditions, and don't forget your sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and any other personal gear.


Environmental Camping Campground in Montana de Oro State Park offers a unique opportunity for a rustic and intimate connection with nature. However, it is vital to prepare thoroughly, understand park regulations, and follow ethical camping practices to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience while preserving the natural beauty of the park for future visitors.

Location of Environmental Camping Campground
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