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Camping at Shreve Lodge

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Overview of Shreve Lodge

Shreve Lodge is one of the facilities within Buffalo Bill State Park, a public recreation area located in Cody, Wyoming. The park itself is named after the famous Wild West figure William Frederick "Buffalo Bill" Cody and offers a variety of outdoor activities including fishing, boating, and hiking against a backdrop of spectacular mountain scenery.

Booking and Availability

Booking the Lodge: To use Shreve Lodge, you will usually need to reserve it in advance. You can typically do this through the Wyoming State Parks website or by contacting the park office directly. It's important to plan ahead, especially during peak season, as facilities like lodges can book out quickly.

Availability: Availability of the lodge can vary based on the time of year and demand. Check the state park's online reservation system or call the park directly to check the lodge's availability for your planned camping trip dates.

Amenities and Accommodations

Shreve Lodge is likely to offer basic amenities that could include:

  • Sleeping Facilities: Beds and/or bunk beds for a specified number of guests.
  • Kitchen: Possibly with appliances like a stove, refrigerator, and microwave.
  • Restrooms: Including showers and toilets.
  • Heating and Cooling: Depending on the season and lodge facilities.

Each lodge may have different facilities, so it's vital to confirm the specifics before booking.

Fees and Costs

The costs associated with renting Shreve Lodge will depend on various factors:

  • Rental Fee: There may be a base fee for renting the lodge per night.
  • Park Entrance Fee: Some state parks charge an entrance fee per vehicle or individual.
  • Additional Costs: Extra costs could be associated with additional services or facilities.

Be sure to confirm the total cost when you make your reservation.

Rules and Regulations

Here are some general rules you might encounter when staying at Shreve Lodge:

  • Capacity Limits: There will be a maximum occupancy for the lodge.
  • Pets: Some lodges allow pets, while others do not.
  • Smoking: Most state park lodges are non-smoking facilities.
  • Alcohol: Restrict the use of alcohol as per state park regulations.

Specific rules related to fire safety, noise, and resource protection are also likely in place.

Activities and Recreation

Buffalo Bill State Park offers a range of activities, some that you might enjoy during your stay are:

  • Hiking and Trails: Numerous trails can be found within the park for all skill levels.
  • Wildlife Viewing: The park is home to a variety of wildlife, which can often be observed in their natural habitat.
  • Fishing and Boating: The reservoir is popular for these activities.
  • Interpretative Programs: Offered seasonally, these can include guided walks and educational talks.

What to Bring

For a comfortable stay, you should consider bringing:

  • Food Supplies: Bring enough food for your stay, as facilities to purchase food may not be available nearby.
  • Camping Gear: Depending on the amenities, you might need to bring sleeping bags, pillows, and towels.
  • Personal Items: Such as clothing, toiletries, and medication.
  • Recreational Equipment: Hiking boots, fishing gear, cameras, or binoculars for wildlife viewing.

Contact Information and Location

For the most accurate and up-to-date information about Shreve Lodge:

  • Contact: Reach out to Buffalo Bill State Park directly. You can find contact details on the state park's official website or through Wyoming State Parks contact information resources.
  • Location: Buffalo Bill State Park is located near Cody, Wyoming, with Shreve Lodge situated within the park's boundaries.

Lastly, policies and available facilities can change, so it is essential to check with park officials for the most current information regarding your stay at Shreve Lodge.

Location of Shreve Lodge
Other Campgrounds in Buffalo Bill State Park
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