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Camping at Totem Bight State Historic Park

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Totem Bight State Historic Park, located near Ketchikan in Alaska, is a state park that preserves and showcases the rich history of the indigenous Tlingit and Haida cultures. Known for its collection of totem poles and a traditional clan house, the park offers visitors an educational experience in a scenic setting overlooking the water. The park covers 33 acres of lush rainforest and offers glimpses into the traditional art and architecture of Alaska's Native cultures.

Camping Information

Campground Facilities:

  • To my knowledge, as of the last update, Totem Bight State Historic Park does not offer camping facilities on-site. Visitors looking for camping opportunities would need to check nearby options or consider other state parks with camping services.

Nearby Camping Options:

  • Seton Cove Recreation Area: Situated a bit farther from Totem Bight, it offers camping with basic amenities.
  • Ward Lake Recreation Area: Located within a reasonable driving distance, this site offers camping and other outdoor activities.

Park Hours and Access:

  • The park is typically open year-round, but the best visiting times are between May and September due to weather conditions.
  • The visitor center and other facilities may have specific hours, especially during the off-season.

Activities and Features

Totem Poles:

  • The park features an impressive collection of 15 totem poles, each telling its own story.

Clan House:

  • A replica of a 19th-century clan house is available for visitors to explore, offering insights into the living arrangements of the Tlingit and Haida peoples.

Guided Walks and Tours:

  • Rangers often provide guided tours during the summer months, sharing information about the totems, clan house, and native flora and fauna.

Nature Trails:

  • Visitors can enjoy the park's nature trails, which wind through the rainforest and offer chances to spot local wildlife.


  • Picnic facilities are available for those looking to enjoy a meal with views of the surrounding natural beauty.


  • With its combination of cultural artifacts and the natural environment, Totem Bight State Historic Park is an excellent location for photography enthusiasts.

Visitor Guidelines


  • It's important to respect the park's cultural heritage. Do not climb on or deface the totem poles or structures.


  • As in any natural area, do not disturb the wildlife you may encounter.

Leave No Trace:

  • Practice Leave No Trace principles to minimize your impact on the environment during your visit.


  • If pets are permitted, they should be kept on a leash, and their waste should be properly disposed of.

Admission Fees:

  • While there is no charge for admission to the park, it is always wise to check the latest information in case this has changed.

Getting There

Totem Bight State Historic Park is located approximately 10 miles north of Ketchikan, Alaska. The easiest way to access the park is by car, taxi, or guided tour. The road is generally well-maintained, and there is a parking lot for visitors.

Address for GPS:

  • Totem Bight State Historic Park, 9883 N Tongass Hwy, Ketchikan, AK 99901, USA

Keep in mind that the details about the park and its facilities can change, so it's a good idea to check for the most current information before planning your visit.

Map of Campgrounds in Totem Bight State Historic Park
Campgrounds in Totem Bight State Historic Park
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