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Camping at Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park

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Location and Access

Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park is located in the high desert at the far southern edge of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in California, near the small town of Tehachapi. Access to the park is restricted to guided tours only, mainly due to the vulnerability of the site. To visit Tomo-Kahni, it is essential to make arrangements for a tour in advance through the California Department of Parks and Recreation or local visitor services since tours are not available on a drop-in basis.


The park is significant for its historical and cultural value as it was once the winter village site of the Kawaiisu Indians. It is rich in archaeological resources, including rock art, bedrock mortars, and a village site. The site is considered sacred by the native people, and the park strives to protect and interpret the cultural heritage of the Kawaiisu.

Tours and Reservations

Guided Tours: Conducted in the spring and fall when the weather is more moderate, tours provide an opportunity to learn about the native plants and animals of the area, Kawaiisu culture, and the significance of Tomo-Kahni to its original inhabitants.

Reservations: Advance reservations are required for these tours. Tour size is usually limited, so reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. They can be booked by calling or going online, generally through the California State Parks reservation system or by contacting the Tehachapi Heritage League.

Camping Information

Camping Availability: There is no camping available at Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park itself because it is a protected area with sensitive cultural resources. However, nearby areas may offer camping facilities.

Nearby Campgrounds: Campers should look for other state parks, national forests, or private campgrounds in the Tehachapi area or along the Sierra Nevada range for camping options.

Preparation and Safety

Weather Conditions: Since the park is situated in the high desert, weather conditions can be extreme and change quickly. Proper preparation for both heat and cold is essential.

Safety Precautions: When planning a trip that includes a tour of Tomo-Kahni, it is advisable to wear comfortable, sturdy shoes and bring plenty of water, as the park is located in a desert climate.

Leave No Trace: It's important to follow Leave No Trace principles when you're in or around the park to help protect the natural environment and archaeological integrity.

Park Rules and Regulations

Site Protection: As the park preserves significant archaeological sites, visitors must refrain from collecting any artifacts or disturbing the landscape.

Pets: Pets are typically not allowed on the tours to ensure the protection of the cultural sites and the local wildlife.

Photography: Photography may be permitted, but visitors should follow the guidelines provided by the tour leader.

Accessibility: The rugged and undeveloped terrain may pose challenges, thus accessibility for individuals with mobility impairments could be limited.

Always check with the California State Parks or tour operators for any updated information before planning your visit to Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park, as conditions or access rules may change.

Map of Campgrounds in Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park
Campgrounds in Tomo-Kahni State Historic Park
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